Monday, February 2, 2009

long run and recovery

Yesterday I met up with Steve, Charles, Jason and Kamran for a long run. Jason and Kamran were with us for the first 5 then they headed back. I didn't do my long run on Sat so Steve and I were set to go 24. Charles ran with us for the first half but took a different route back. Overall, it was a pretty tough day. From the get go I could tell I had run too hard on Saturday. My legs were feeling kind of heavy. I did start to get in a good rhythm after the turn around but then we hit some hills and Steve pulled away. After the hills we ran the rest of the way together (more or less). I felt like he was pulling me along the whole time. Everything felt really labored towards the end but I was trying my best to hold on. I was really happy to be done. Ruth brought us some chocolate milk for recovery which was much appreciated. I haven't felt that worn out after a run in awhile, but I think it's good because I know I worked hard and survived. After the run I figured out we avg 7:00min pace overall. That made me feel a lot better because although I was working hard I didn't really feel like I was moving at all. 7 min pace for 24.4 miles...I'll take it.

Today I ran about 5.5 on trails with Mike, Bruce, and Karma. It felt good to be on the trails and work out some of the aftermath from yesterday!

pluses: nice weather and good time on the trails

minuses: finger is sore from dislocation yesterday

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