Sunday, February 22, 2009

2/22 recovery run

I ran 6.3ish miles in the neighborhood I grew up in today. It was kind of cool because there were a ton of people outside in their yards...playing with their kids, dogs, etc. My legs are pretty tired but I'm glad I made myself work out a lot of the crap that was built up yesterday. I loosened up pretty well after the first few miles. I hit a new PR for mileage this week at 80.55. For a lot of people on my team this may not sound like too much, but this is the 4th week I've tried to hit 80, and it's been my only success. The other weeks, for one reason or another, I ended up closer to 75. Also, I completed my 3rd run over 22 miles this year...compared to last training season when I only ran over 22 miles once in the whole program. So it was a good week...and all of this has been on not so fresh legs. I'm looking forward to a bit of recovery this week then I'll get back at it. Only 8 weeks until Boston.

pluses: nice trip to houston, great weather

minuses: missing out on cook-out tonight

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