Saturday, December 20, 2008

12/20 treadmill

It's snowing outside. While it's nice to see the makes running tough :) I'm in Detriot now and we've got 2 ft of snow since running outside isn't even an option. I thought about being brave and trying it, but there's too much snow on the sidewalks so my shoes would be soaked in about 5 minutes...and I'd probably eat it. This morning I hit up a treadmill workout instead. I did about eight and a half miles in 65 minutes. I actually wanted to go further...but the treadmill stopped and dropped the speed to 3.5 after 60 I kind of wimped out then. I decided to go play some wallyball instead, which was fun. As much as a hate treadmills, it may be the only option for the next five days.

pluses: jeff's wedding tonight

minuses: nutrition


Priscilla said...

Ohhhhhh SNAP!! You ran so fast, you broke the treadmill, now that's inspiring :) What the heck is wallyball??

kristenbaucher said...

it's volleyball in a racketball there's no out of's really fun.