Monday, December 15, 2008

12/15 cold run!

I decided to show my commitment today and go out and weather the cold :) I didn't run this morning because I was hoping it would get warmer as the day went on. That didn't really happen, but oh well. I bundled up and left for an 8 mile run around 3:30pm. My plan was to just take it easy because I am going to try to get in a semi-long run tomorrow. It was pretty cold so the first few miles felt really slow. I'd was actually going around 8 min pace...but it felt like my legs weren't moving. It just took awhile to warm up. Finally, things started clicking. I was going out on Slaughter for 4 miles then turning around coming straight back. I really started picking it up around mile 3-4, so I ended up having more of a tempo run then a recovery run. Partially, I did this because I felt good. Also, I knew the quicker I finished the quicker I'd be back in the warm house. I finished with 8.1 miles and an average pace of 7:10. I'd say the "tempo" miles were comfortably under 7 minutes per a mile because I know the beginning miles were around 8. All of the Team training has made me feel ridiculously fit...and sometimes I want to run fast just to make sure that I still can. Today was a good day, and I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow!

pluses: lots of Christmas shopping done; new pots and pans

minuses: cold

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