Sunday, March 22, 2009

long run

I joined up with Bruce and some of the north group today to take part in the easy miles of their soulbuster. Bruce and I ended up missing a turn and we put in 16.2 easy miles before their faster pace started. I actually felt better than I had in awhile. I ate well and hydrated yesterday, and got a decent amount of sleep. I think those things all added to a pleasant start. My foot is kind of bothering me. I have a pain on the top of my foot, about an inch from where the ankle meets the foot. I have no idea what it's from. It could be from the birkenstocks I wore a lot the past few days, or from the crappy old tennis shoes I wore all week at workcamp. I also played basketball for a few hours in old shoes. I'm hoping some ice will do the trick. It's not super painful, just an annoyance. After the first 16.2, I decided I'd do some of Bruce's mgp work. He was shooting for 6:52's for 5 miles. The first mile felt great and we were right on track. The second mile felt long, but again, we were right on. Shortly after that, I got a really sharp pain in my hamstring tendon. It was enough pain to make me pull up and stop...and walk/jog in the rest of the way. So that definitely isn't a good sign for the upcoming week. If 6:52 pace causes problems...then hitting 6min pace on the track for the warhurst could be rough. The good news is it's already feeling more lose than when I finished. So I'm hoping ice will relieve this as well so I can be ready for the week ahead. My plan is to run on the trails tomorrow to see if that works things out.

pluses: 4 runs over 18 miles and 5 runs over 20 miles since SA

minuses: body seems to be falling apart

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