Saturday, March 21, 2009

the last couple of days

I've been pretty MIA with regards to running with the team the last two weeks. I've done one run with them since March 7th which was the SB II. It seems pretty crazy because for awhile there I was running with the group basically everyday. I had a mandatory break, then this last week was spring break. It wasn't a running break, but I did take it easy and laid off all quality. I ran everyday except Wednesday, but was either by myself or with other running friends outside of rogue. On Thursday I did an 11 mile run from the camp we were at in Marble Falls. I felt pretty good, just had some knee pain when I finished. Then on Friday I did a 10 mile run on Slaughter. I was a bit more sluggish, but it was a long week at work camp so I wasn't too surprised. Today I ran 13 miles with Tim at the lake. I could've run with the group (they were doing 14) but I didn't have much interest in running the hills of Scenic. Instead I settled for a nice flat course. Tomorrow I'm going to meet up with Bruce and the North group to run their Soul Buster II. I'm not doing any of the fast mileage, I am just looking to get a good long run in. They're doing 15 miles easy, 5 miles at MGP, and then some track work. I'll do the first 20 with them but probably won't bring it down to MGP. I'm thinking if I feel good I'll bring it to 3hr MGP with Bruce. My mileage has been relative low the past several weeks so that's why I want to get in a 20+ mile run this weekend. Hopefully it doesn't hurt me too badly for the warhurst, steroid rollers, 24 miler, and CAP 10k that are coming up in the next 7 days....

pluses: great weekend with family, boat ride tonight

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