Sunday, March 29, 2009

25 miles and Cap 10K

Today I rode my bike from my house to the Cap 10K race. Brian ran it, as did many of the Team Rogue folks, so while I was bummed to not run I was excited to watch everyone else. It was about a ten mile ride to downtown and it was cold! Once I got there I met up with Brian to wish him luck. Then I rode to Lavaca and 15th to watch everyone come through. After I saw Brian I headed to Mopac and Lake Austin Blvd, then to the finish line. It was good to see everyone race and it seems like everyone had a good day...especially considering they're coming off of a 24 mile long run. My ride back to the house involved warmer weather and a lot more traffic, but it was fine. I am going to the dr. tomorrow am to get a potential diagnosis on my leg, so we'll see how that goes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

pluses: great weahter

minuses: missing bball games

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