Tuesday, June 9, 2009

finding a balance

I'm having a hard time doing that. In reality, I really want to just run, run, and run some more right now, but my body isn't really allowing that. Since the hamstring injury I have had little success at getting into a regular running routine. I tried to come back a few times and my hamstring wasn't ready. Once that was healed, there was baby to deal with. Slow comeback...but I was at least running. Then I had the sinus/upper respiratory infection that lasted over a week. No running. Finally last week I was at it again, and now my back is really bothering me. It seems like if it's not one thing, it's another. I think my body is trying to tell me I need to balance things out and not just run. Perhaps the best approach now is to lift 3-4x a week, swim, do some yoga, and maybe run when I can. I really want to get back into running 50 miles a week, but I'm just not sure how realistic of a goal that is. I'm not racing this fall so it isn't the end of the world if I don't run right now, but I really wanted to use this time to add miles, build a base, and then come back strong and run Boston 2010. I'm concerned that if I don't run now, Boston 2010 won't happen. I'm not sure how much of a time crunch I'll be on to try to knock 20 minutes off of my current marathon PR. I think the first 10 minutes won't be too too hard, but after that I'll probably be fighting for every minute...maybe every second. I guess I just need to take each day as it comes and realize that November will probably be here before I know it.

pluses: lunch with my sister today

minuses: inconsistency

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