Friday, May 1, 2009

400s baby!

Yesterday I got greedy and did a 400 speed workout. It's not at all part of the current plan, but I had a friend as me to do a 5k tomorrow in Houston that benefits the school district I grew up in. I want to do it, but I figured I really needed to test my leg because I know myself well enough to know that even if I went out "easy" I'd eventually get greedy and go hard. I figured some 400s would be a good way to test if I'd end up hurting myself. I went over to a neighborhood track, did a nice easy mile work out...then set out for 8 400s on the 3 minute interval. My goal was to do them around 90 second pace so I could have 90 seconds recovery too. This is how I fared:
1: 83
2: 82
3: 86
4: 86
5: 83
6: 86
7: 85
8: 84

A little faster than necessary...but no pain! Woo hoo! The bummer is that the race is probably going to get cancelled because of the swine flu. They've cancelled everything else in the I am sure this is next. That's probably a blessing in disguise because I really have no business racing a 5k now...but I thought it'd be fun :)

Today I went out for an easy run with an old neighborhood friend. We went for about 6 miles at an easy pace. No watch...but the pace felt nice for a recovery day and I enjoyed the company!

pluses: lunch with Mom at school, Brian's coming back tonight!

minuses: humidity is really kicking in!

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