Tuesday, May 26, 2009

sick :( and baby :)

So I think the news is finally out to most people on the team about my current running plans. They've come to a bit of a halt because I'm pregnant :) I'm at 14 weeks now and the baby is about the size of a lemon. That may seem pretty small, but it was a snow pea not that long ago :) So obviously this changes some things with regards to running, and life for that matter. My running plan is to just keep running as long as I can. The only real difference is that my heart rate gets elevated much quicker, so I have to run at a slower pace than before. So if I'm running around 8 min miles, it tends to feel more like a 7 min mile. For the first few weeks, everyone kept asking me about my hamstring because I wasn't up to par...but the hamstring is good. Hopefully I'll be able to run for a while long, the other thing I need to be careful about is not getting my body temp too high which can also be a challenge in the Austin heat. May have to switch to a treadmill at some point. But for now, things are good. I'm happy to be running again and excited about Baby Baucher!

On another note, I'm sick now which sucks. Boo on sinus infections. I woke up yesterday feeling pretty crappy and it's only gotten worse, so I went to the dr. today. I was hoping to get an antibiotic, but apparently that's not good for baby so I'm sticking with over the counter stuff for the rest of the week and we'll see how that goes. The sinus infection has made the running not happen for the past few days, but that's ok. I had a nice long run (well, not really long) on Saturday with Angie. We started off the first half with Ruth, Zane, and Julia and then ran the 2nd half with Nedra. I was a little cranky on the first half but felt pretty good on the way back. I'd say we were just under 8 minute miles. I haven't run since then, but if I'm feeling better tomorrow or Thursday, I'll be back at it!

pluses: productive day

minuses: fever


Sadie J said...

That is great news! Congrats Kristen!

Priscilla said...

What the freak?? This deserves a hug!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Dee and I can be your babysitters, we'll teach it to yell, "FOOL!"