Wednesday, April 1, 2009

massage results

Well I'm really sore from Lisa working on my hamstring today. The good thing is she said it released quite a bit in the belly of my muscle. The issue is really in the tendon area. Lisa said my tendon is pretty inflamed and that is what is hurting so much when I run. She worked on it a lot too, and I'm hoping that causes some relief. Tendons don't really heal quickly, so it's not looking good for Boston. I'm going to stretch and ice for the today. Tomorrow will be stretch, ice, short jog, and ice. I'm sure that'll be a painful run just because of how hard Lisa worked on it today...but then Friday will be the big decision day. I'll ice, stretch, and jog again and if for some reason I notice a massive improvement, then Boston will be a possibility. As of now, it's looking like an 85% chance I'll be staying home on April 20th. I am trying not too focus on it too much because I know it's not the end of the world, but I have to say it's pretty depressing. I've run 973 miles since the San Antonio Marathon in November. My frustration is two fold. One, I can't run now and it's driving me crazy. Running has been the common thing each day that I have built my other activities around. I love it. It makes me feel good, fit, healthy, fast, etc. So not being able to do that it pretty hard. The second frustration is that I know it's just one race, but I can't seem to convince myself that it isn't the end of the world to miss it. Lots of hard work seems to be going down the drain. I also feel a sense of guilt that I'm letting down my coach and my team. Everyone has been so supportive of me and so excited for how well things were going, and I just kind of feel like I'm not living up to expectations and I hate that feeling. I guess I'm just not in a very good place right now, but I'm sure things will look up eventually.


Sadie J said...

Sorry you miss running...the team misses you, too. Lisa is almost always right about those sorts of things. Keep doin' what you're doin'.

Keith said...

It's a tough call, but you're not letting anyone down regardless of what decisison you make. You've got some aggressive long-term goals. If you need to make short-term sacrifices (like missing Boston now) to get healthy and keep those long-term goals alive, then it is the right decision. If you feel good in a couple of days, then jump back on the horse and knock it out in Boston. Either way, being true and honest about your own capabilities and health needs is never letting anyone down.

I've missed seeing you fly by me during the workouts. Get better so you can come back to the runs and kick my ass.

Unknown said...

What Keith said.