Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 days in a row!

That's right...I've run 3 days in a row! I know that seems like nothing, but it's a good start to being consistent which has been a really big challenge for me. It's hard to fit in running with Skylar. She keeps me up more than I am used to, and I can't just leave the house whenever to run now :) So she's my excuse for inconsistency for now :)

Yesterday I did a 3 mile run on the treadmill. Good news is that Skye slept like a rock right next to the treadmill in her bouncer. I wasn't sure if it'd be too loud for her, but I guess the noise was soothing enough to put her right to sleep. After a short run, I did about an hour of light weights, core, and body weight exercises. I'm trying to get some strength back before I increase mileage to avoid injury. I was kind of sore/tired/weak...but I think it was a good start.

This morning I met Katie at the lake for a 4 mile run. It felt good. It felt less like a struggle than the last few days.

pluses: dinner with Brian, Skye, Katie, and Paul

minuses: work

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