Monday, January 19, 2009

1/19 greenbelt

I met up with Mike, Jo Dee, Bruce, and David today for 10 miles on the greenbelt. My legs felt a little heavy to start. I didn't run the last two days but for some reason that didn't really yield a "fresh" feeling. I felt more tired than last week. I didn't get much sleep over the weekend and ate pretty badly, so that's probably part of it. After we got going I loosened up and really enjoyed the run. It's awesome weather out and I like being on the trails. I'm getting more comfortable on them and I think it's a good way to build strength and prevent injury from all of the road miles. After the run I went to the gym to do my core/lifting. I'm glad I got that in today. I also got a phone call with some really bad news...but it's not really something I want to talk about at this point....

pluses: nice day and weather

minuses: life cut short

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