Thursday, January 21, 2010

getting back in the swing of things

So it's been kind of an up and down journey in my running life the past few weeks. The bottom line is that "mommy life" takes up a lot more time and energy than I have, so running life gets pushed aside a bit. I have realized that on the days I do make time to run, it ends up being a better day. I'm going to be tired and short on time no matter what, but at least if I run I can check that off of the list of things I want to get done for that day.

Today I ran for the third time this week. 3 out of 4 days isn't bad. I ran with Katie this morning. We met at the first st bridge and ran over to congress, up congress, and through campus to 24th. After 2.25 miles we turned around and headed back the way we came. It was a nice run. Great weather.

I'm hoping to meet up with some people from the team this weekend for a long run. Granted it'll be about 1/3 of what their long run will be, but I thought it'd be good to get back in the running community to help me get motivated again!

pluses: nice weather

minuses: long day, class, lots of time away from skye :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 days in a row!

That's right...I've run 3 days in a row! I know that seems like nothing, but it's a good start to being consistent which has been a really big challenge for me. It's hard to fit in running with Skylar. She keeps me up more than I am used to, and I can't just leave the house whenever to run now :) So she's my excuse for inconsistency for now :)

Yesterday I did a 3 mile run on the treadmill. Good news is that Skye slept like a rock right next to the treadmill in her bouncer. I wasn't sure if it'd be too loud for her, but I guess the noise was soothing enough to put her right to sleep. After a short run, I did about an hour of light weights, core, and body weight exercises. I'm trying to get some strength back before I increase mileage to avoid injury. I was kind of sore/tired/weak...but I think it was a good start.

This morning I met Katie at the lake for a 4 mile run. It felt good. It felt less like a struggle than the last few days.

pluses: dinner with Brian, Skye, Katie, and Paul

minuses: work

Sunday, January 10, 2010

back, again!

So now I think I'm finally back :) I was good with running for about a week, and then got an upper respiratory infection that had me sidelined again. I kept trying to put off going to the doctor, but I finally got an antibiotic last week so I think I'm getting rid of all of the congestion. Yesterday was my 26th bday (woo hoo) and Brian got me a Garmin 405. I'm really excited about it. I used it for the first time today and just downloaded all of the software and stuff to my computer. I ran 4 miles today. I'm still having to work pretty hard when I'm running. I am out of shape and my body just isn't used to running right now. I know it'll come back, I just need to be patient. I think I might run on the treadmill tomorrow...depending on the weather :) Since I don't have a specific race or goal in mind right now, it's been really hard to be consistent with training and the things that go along with it (TP work, abs, eating well, etc). I especially am not really interested in getting up super early, since I can't run to far/fast yet. Maybe I will get back into a good routine here soon!

pluses: skylar was good at church

minuses: the whole family has been coughing